TranSynd™ heavy-duty automatic transmission fluid, a remarkable synthetic oil exclusively formulated by Castrol for Allison Automatics, extends Allison transmission oil drain intervals 300%.
A Scientific Fact Tests prove that TranSynd™ will outperform other oils on every level:
- Providing superior wear resistance
- Extending drain intervals
- Protecting other transmission components
- Resisting oxidation and sheardown
- Improving viscosity stability
Gears, bearings, bushings, clutches, thrust washers and other components benefit from improved viscosity stability and cooler lube oil.
The Numbers Prove It Extended oil change guidelines for TranSynd™ include 50,000 miles/24 months for Severe duty and for General duty, 100,000 miles/48 months, once a 90%+ fill of TranSynd™ has been reached. (Reference Allison Service Tip #1099B for more information on how to achieve the appropriate fill of TranSynd.) Compare that to conventional transmission fluid recommended changes of 12,000 miles/6 months for severe duty. And 25,000 miles/12 months for general duty.
Allison has upgraded their specs on transmission fluid from TES-295 to TES-668. This is the newest specification for Allison transmissions.